Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mythical missions

So I guess if you are going to head off on some kind of insane quest there could be no place more appropriate than the home of the Odyssey.

Athens is a busy and vibrate city - of that there is no doubt - however, it has to be said, it seems that after the Greeks gave the world democracy they decided to abandon all sense of order in favour of sheer chaos. Honestly, Athens is more than a little insane, but I really do like it despite having nearly been run over several times.

Well, just wanted to stick something up while I'm here. My budget is practically gone, hence I can't really afford this internet for longer to write more. Will write more about the experience when i get home as I am keeping a daily journal.

Much love,

Friday, October 13, 2006

Little Goodlet

A whole brand new person entered the world today, amongst many others I suppose, but this one is particularly important to me. Two of my best and oldest friends had their first baby today, a beautiful girl (I know cos Dad already sent me a pic at 7 this morning!) by the name of Abigail Kathryn Goodlet.

I know how stupidly happy I am about it, I'm beaming from inside like a little kid who has just walked into a toy shop for the very first time, and having just spoke to Luke I know he's is quite simply on another planet. Speechless doesn't begin to describe him, but I could sense through done the line I was speaking to the happiest man in the world at that the second.

And if that doesn't bring a smile to your face today I don't know what will.

I haven't spoke to Jo yet obviously, maybe tomorrow, but just let me say how proud I am of her - she's done all the hard work after all! Here's to the new exciting member of the human race anyway. Certainly gives me a good reason to try and make a difference.

Much love,

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Something more important

Really am not sure what to write about all this - but it's something that has never been far from my thoughts all summer long. I felt somewhat proud of myself for being proactive, hitting the tarmac and protesting during the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Palestine. I have some wonderful friends who are from these parts of the world and it really was the very least I could do. I'll never know how this time was for them all and I wish them and their families the very best.

There are those out there who are doing more though, and put my mere flag waving and cheering to shame. These people are true heroes and they have every ounce of my respect and admiration. So please take a moment to read their stories and maybe find some inspiration. I certainly take heart (troubled though it is) from the efforts of such people.

Narratives Of Hope

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Aren't we all Guinea Pigs?

Trying to sort a myspace page...again, should be working!